
The SproutCore Runtime framework provides the basic tools you need to write large-scale applications in JavaScript.  This framework will form the fabric of your application.  You will use it to define your classes, connect them together, and benchmark and test your results. 


In addition, Runtime can be used as a free-standing library.  You can down a built version of it and use it to create dynamic web pages when you don't want to use the full SproutCore application stack.


This programming guide will tell you everything you need to know about using the Runtime framework in your application including how to create objects, setup bindings, add observers, defer execution of code, work with sets, index sets and more.


Who Should Read This Guide


You should read this guide first if you are planning to work with any of the other frameworks in the SproutCore application stack.  This includes building desktop apps, mobile apps, or using SproutCore mini on regular web pages.




  1. Overview
  2. Objects and Classes
  3. Copying, Freezing, and Comparing
  4. Key Value Coding (KVC)
  5. Key Value Observing (KVO)
  6. Bindings
  7. Enumerables, Arrays, and Sets
    1. Using SC.Enumerable
    2. Using SC.Array
    3. Sets
      1. SC.Set
      2. SC.IndexSet
      3. SC.SelectionSet
    4. SparseArrays (In progress)
      1. What is a sparse array?
      2. When to use sparse arrays
      3. Implementing a sparse array delegate
    5. Reducers  (In progress)
      1. what is a reducer
      2. Using a built-in reducer
      3. Writing your own reducer
  8. Run Loops  (In progress)
    1. The joy of deferred execution
    2. invokeLater()
    3. invokeOnce()
    4. Timers (A Preview)
  9. Errors  (In progress)
    1. About SC.Error
    2. Creating SC.Error objects
    3. Building your own SC.Error object
  10. Odds and Ends  (In progress)
    1. mixin(), copy(), merge() and beget()
    2. Guids and Hashes
    3. Evaluating Property Paths
    4. Checking Types
    5. Comparing Objects
    6. Checking Equality
    7. Testing for empty() or none()