
Running Abbot Unit Tests

Page history last edited by Erich Ocean 15 years, 5 months ago

The new build tools also sport a full set of unit tests for the build tools themselves.  These are written using rspec.  Any changes you make to the build tools must include changes to the unit tests as well.  To run the unit tests, cd into the "abbot" directory and type:


rake spec


You can also run an individual unit test by doing


spec --color path/to/unit/test


All unit tests can be found in the "specs" directory.  


In general, we create one directory for each source .rb file in the "lib" directory of Abbot.  This directory contains a single _spec.rb file for each method that contains tests for that method.  For example, to find the unit tests for the SC::Target.manifest_for() method (defined in abbot/lib/sproutcore/models/target.rb), you should look in:




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