

Page history last edited by Andrew Porter 15 years, 2 months ago

NOTE: SproutCore 1.0 Programming Guides are a work in progress.  Material here may be incomplete or may change.


Welcome to SproutCore Basics. This guide will introduce you to the SproutCore way of creating cloud applications, including an overview of general components, application architecture, and common design patterns.


Who Should Read This Guide


You should read this guide if you are getting started with SproutCore. Learning these guidelines will make the rest of SproutCore easier to understand and your own code will work better. Even if you decide not to follow these guidelines in your own code, you should understand them so you can understand how SproutCore classes are structured.




  1. Introducing SproutCore
  2. Building a SproutCore Application: A Quick Tour
  3. Architecture Overview
  4. Design Patterns


-- Older docs. Moving to a new guide or removing.

  1. Building Cloud Applications
  2. Introducing SproutCore MVC
  3. Objects and Namespaces
  4. Arrays and Enumerables
  5. RunLoops 


Additional Reading


  1. JavaScript Style Guide
  2. Utility Methods


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